In the 1980s Kassai Lajos worked out the system, methodology and rules of the horsearchery sport, built up the first horsearchery center in Europe and started distributing it worldwide. We build up our trainings and organise our competitions following the Kassai methodology. Horsearchery, a HUNgarian martial art, sport and a traditional equine practice is thinking about body, mind and soul as a whole (we have a word in Hungarian „egészség” meaning "wholeness and healthyness" at the same time). Our horsearchery trainings are happening on a weekly basis.

Those members having already a Competitors Licence, participate in competitions in Hungary or internationally. Twice every year horsearchery world cups are organised at our Barnag horsearchery track, for which competitors prepare at training camps previously. The official track is a 99 m long straight canter track, which has a 90 cm diameter turning target and placed 9 m away from the middle of the track. The horsearcher has to shoot to the front, to the side and backwards as many arrows as he/she likes from the back of a galopping horse and under 20 sec. Each competitor has the opportunity of 3 warm up rounds and 9 competition rounds. The achieved final points can be measured objectively, the list of the World Rank is put together this way. Like in equine sports generally, also in horsearchery both men and women are training and competing together. Kassai Lajos used to say, that horsearchery is the queen of martial arts.

However practicing and training is also depending on everyone’s own creativity – this can be differring personally in each Törzs and Kánság.

First in the World, since 2011 at the University of Physical Education in Budapest, a BA and MA can be gained in teaching horsearchery. The methodology of examinations and practical tutorials was worked out by Kassai Lajos. The Kassai horsearchery system is Hungaricum (part of the Hungarian Heritage) since 2013. Horsearchery is officially accredited by the MLSZ (Hungarian Equine Sports Association) and since 2013 it has its own official sport department within the association.

Website of the Kassai Horsearchery School: